mission critical Data Centre design
and build solutions

We have successfully developed this sector of our business over several years and worked with several key blue chip clients who have given us repeat business opportunities. As a full member of the design team we been able to assist our clients to deliver a fully functional Data Centres, with enhanced resilience and energy efficiency and the best possible up-time, whilst staying within the financial budgets and time constraints.
We have an approved and proven trade sub-contractor and specialist supply chain with whom we have formed a tight cohesive team which collaborates with us providing the specific technical expertise required to successfully deliver our often complex data centre projects. We have used both off-site prefabricated modular concept and traditional on-site construction techniques and weather proof modules have been safely transported to numerous sites in Western Europe before being assembled on-site by a dedicated Metnor team.
Our Data Centres have achieved a minimum of Tier III up-time which gives our blue chip banking, IT and financial customers the confidence they require in selecting the right contractor to undertake their Data Centre build. Our expertise is our ability to manage and select the most suitable, cost effective, reliable and energy efficient installations from power generation, Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS), cooling systems and fire protection through to data networks and security.